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What a wonderful summer! Ours left just as abruptly weather wise, and I've felt the pinch of shortening days. Summer is now (that I've been in North Nj for many years, rather than a more southerly, hellish climate in which I grew up) a favorite with me.

Boyfriend also sleeps when we commute by public transit--so irritating! I don't like contemplating what that would be like with child-keeping duties.

I love the pool shots and Shuma's adoration of Hideaki's toy.


So happy to see some new posts! Please take care of yourself. The tone of your blog has changed from previously and you seem stressed, frankly.....and possibly fed up with Japan. Sorry if that's too much coming from a stranger. Mothers have to take care of themselves first!

Rona Y

I can't remember when I last checked in, but I couldn't believe how big Shuma has become, and I know the last time I commented, I said the same thing! Children grow so quickly!

I've read through a lot of the other posts, and I am very sorry to hear about your mother. I don't know if the loss of a parent ever gets "easier", but I do know a time will come when the memories don't hurt as much. I hope you're taking care of yourself (not just physically, but emotionally, too), and are letting other people take care of you sometimes, too!

Jimmy Cho

I was researching for my trip to Japan and found your blog entry about Niwa no Yu from June 2006. Well this lead to more reading of your recent blog entries. Sorry about your recent bereavement. Just want to say keep on blogging..

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